Fully Funded EMARO+ Masters Scholarships in Europe for International Students, 2017-2019

Deadline: January 23, 2017.

ERASMUS Mundus is inviting applications for EMARO+ scholarships for 2017-2019 intake.  EMARO+, European Master on Advanced Robotics Plus, is an integrated Masters course open for both non-European and European students.

EMARO and EMARO+ have been designed and accepted in the framework of the European Union ERASMUS-MUNDUS programme. The Erasmus Mundus programme is a cooperation and mobility programme of the European Union in the field of higher education which promotes the European Union as a center of excellence in learning around the world.
It aims to enhance quality in European higher education and to promote intercultural understanding through co-operation with third countries.

Course Level: Scholarships are available to join EMARO+ Master course conducted by four European institutions: Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France), Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), University of Genova (Italy) and Jaume I University (Spain). EMARO+ involves 7 associated partners: Faculty of Science and Technology in Keio University – Japan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University – China IRT Jules Verne – France, Airbus Group Innovations – France, BA Systemes – France, Robotnik –  Spain, SIIT – Italy

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the field of Robotics.
Scholarship Award: Eramus Mundus Scholarships are given to
  • Partner countries students who are ranked among the top 12
  • Programme countries students ranked in the top  2
Yearly Allocated grants/Country
Partner country (A)
Programme country (B)
Participation costs (tuition fees)
Travel costs
>4000km(1): 3000€<4000km(1): 2000€
Installation costs
Living Alllowance
12*1000€ (2)
(1): Distance from Partner country resident to the EMJMD coordinating HEI (Ecole Centrale de Nantes)
(2): This amount will not be allocated if the student carries out a mobility in his country of residence.
Consortium Scholarships (if not selected for the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship):
  • CS top 10: 7000 €/year for Partner countries students who are ranked, among the remaining candidates, in the top 10 Partner countries students (category A students).
  • CS top 20: 3000 €/year for Partner countries students ranked, among the remaining candidates, in the top 20 Partner countries students (category A students.
  • CS top 6: 2500 €/year for Programme countries students who are ranked, among the remaining candidates, in the top 6 Programme countries students (category B students).
  • CS top 12: 1000 €/year for Programme countries students ranked, among the remaining candidates, in the top 12 Programme countries students (category B students).
Scholarship can be taken at the Partner’s Institutions
Eligibility: The EMARO+ Consortium supports high-quality students having excellent academic results from around the world (non European and European) to join EMARO+ Master course.
Nationality:  Students from around the world (non-European and European) can apply.
List of Countries:
  • Partner country (category A) students are not from Programme countries (see below) and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.
  • Programme country (category B) students are from the European Union states and related countries : Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom + former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey. Partner country students who had a stay for more than 12 months over the last five years in these countries are considered as Programme country (category B).
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirement: The EMARO+ Masters course is open to students who already hold a first university degree with the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits in the European system, after at least three years studies, at the level of Bachelor of Science, in a field related to robotics such as:
  • Mechatronic, Automatic control,
  • Electrical Engineering,
  • Mechanical Engineering, System Engineering,
  • Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.
The graduation must take place before 31 July for non-Europeanstudents and before 30 September for European students.
English Language Requirement: The applicants have to be fluent in English, both in writing and speaking. An applicant whose native language is not English is required to pass a recognized international English test such as:
  • TOEFL (score 220 CBT, 550 PBT, 80 IBT),
  • Cambridge Advanced English Test (score B or higher),
  • IELTS (score 6.5 or higher),
  • TOEIC (800).
No other test is recognized. Applicants who carried out their studies in English (official confirmation letter from their university is needed) are eligible without providing such a test, but providing the results of a recognized international test can add value to their application.
How to Apply: The following documents must be uploaded on the application website (as PDF files)
  • CV with Identity photo
  • First pages of Passport or Identity card indicating the nationality
  • Academic degree and transcripts of all university studies with translation into English, i.e. Bachelor, Master or equivalent. All the documents must be grouped in a single file. If the degree will be obtained after the deadline, a certificate from the institution indicating the situation of the student and the expected date of graduation must be provided
  • Motivation letter
  • Recognized International English test Certificate
  • Residence certificate (only for applications to EMARO+ Erasmus Mundus scholarship)
  • Recommendation letters
Application Deadline: The call for applications for the intake 2017/2019 will be open from 17th October 2016, until 23rd January 2017.
Visit the Official Scholarship Website for more details.
For more scholarships and other offers click here.

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